ARO - Technologie de soudage par résistance

As a world leader in welding equipment and welding systems for the automotive industry since 1949, ARO is a name which has become synonymous with resistance welding. Clients demanding value for money choose ARO time and again for its proven superiority in state-of-the-art technology. Its combination of reliability and lowest Total Cost of Ownership offers the highest levels of quality, without compromise.

Based in Château-du-Loir near Le Mans in France, ARO has a worldwide presence, with branches and production sites in Europe, Asia and the Americas delivering a complete range of services to international customers.

Business Areas


ARO supplies resistance welding technology and control systems to the automotive industry worldwide. ARO’s reliable, cost-efficient welding systems are specifically designed to meet the industry’s commercial and safety legislation requirements.

The automotive bodywork repair industry is also an important market for ARO’s products, with many of the world’s workshops reliant on its mobile range. Multifunctional designs and legendary support services make ARO the preeminent welding solution for this market sector.



With many manufacturers reliant on highest reliability projection, spot and seam welding, ARO products are found in many industries throughout the world particularly in the aerospace, railway and white goods sectors.

Wherever metal components need to be joined for manufacture or repair, ARO has the products to deliver safe, efficient and environmentally-friendly welding systems.


Robotic Welding

ARO demonstrates its unequalled expertise in robotic welding thanks to the incredible success of its 3G concept. Compact and modular, the 3G gun represents drastic savings in terms of investment and maintenance. Combined with ARO welding cabinets, which integrate perfectly into robotic or automated environments, the 3G gun optimizes the welding process and guarantees an incomparable welding quality

ARO - robotic welding
ARO - 3G robotic C welding guns ARO - 3G robotic X welding guns

Manual Welding

For manual welding applications, ARO provides turnkey solutions including ergonomic welding guns, efficient control systems and a complete range of accessories. With easy-to-handle designs and excellent power-to-weight ratio, the ARO manual gun solution is the perfect choice for a reliable and safe process

ARO - Ergoline Manual welding guns

Stationary Welding

ARO provides robust and powerful standard stationary machines with a wide choice of options to meet spot, projection, seam and butt welding applications. ARO designs and manufactures special machines and welding tools able to meet complex assembly needs

ARO - Stationary Welding Machines ARO - Stationary Welding Machines

Mobile Welding

ARO’s mobile welding range was developed with the automotive motor body repair industry firmly in mind. Over a quarter of a million spot welders have been supplied by ARO to the automotive industry across the world. Ergonomic and polyvalent, clients use it also for prototype production and for operations of re-spot / line back up.

Advanced Technologies

ARO’s ongoing program of research and development, focusing on product performance, quality and new technologies, has been developed to meet clients’ exacting and ever-changing requirements. Utilizing state-of-the-art computer-aided design and with strong links to academic institutions, ARO continues to break new ground in welding technology.


ARO has developed a range of high power medium-frequency transformers that are capable of achieving welding currents of up to 100 KA for stationary applications, 80 KA for robotic applications and 60 KA for manual applications. These transformers are controlled by a range of MF welding cabinets supplying welding currents between 5 and 100 KA

ARO - Transformers


ARO provides water cooled servo-actuators with integrated force sensors able to produce elevated force values up to 2000 daN with the precision and speed required for high quality resistance welding

ARO - Servomotors


Welding controllers

Essential to the efficiency and reliability of any welding process is the control system. With ARO Adaptive Welding, it has never been easier to weld. This system automatically compensates for process variations to guarantee a far superior weld quality. With the iBox welding controller, all parameters (time, current, force) can be programmed and monitored. The ability to manage force profiles allows the perfect welding of demanding materials such as aluminium, boron steel, HSS/UHSS, stainless steel etc

ARO - Welding controllers


ARO offers monitoring software programs that ensure optimum traceability of welding data. For all resistance welding installations, they are the perfect tool for optimized production, quality and maintenance

ARO - Software



ESWELD SK, s r.o.

Závadská 7616/8
SK - 831 06 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Reg. Nr.:30 776 465
VAT Reg. Nr.:SK2020341345

tel.:: +421 908 794 075